What song best sums up the previous year?

Is there a song that stands out to you that for any reason sums up the year 2005?
While I'll admit that I am definitely not a fan of George Bush, my link to the video was meant as a humorous response to the question, and I'm sorry if it truly angered anyone.

JD, I found the video to be quite entertaining and dead on politically. I have since forwarded it to everyone in my my address book. Why do you feel the need to apologize? These threads are a public forum, open to different views. The key word being "public". It never ceases to amaze me when your opinion might not be the same as someone else's somebody always resorts to name calling and worse. Right or left, what makes this the BEST country in the world is forums like this that give us all a chance to express our thoughts and ideas.
“The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair.”
H.L. Mencken

Just feel like alittle balance is required here:

"At the same time, Bill O'Reilly suggests that it would be a good idea for Al Qaeda to annhiliate San Francisco. Forget damaging the morale of the troops, he's encouraging terrorists to blow up an American city!"

I'm sure Mr. O'Reilly would find this to be an ammusing post, as do I. However, People reading this thread who do not watch or listen to O'Reilly, as often as I do, and perhaps, you should, might take what you have said as being factual.
The fact is: O'Reilly, often times uses SATIRE to make his point. He was using the Al Qaeda vs. San Fran. secario, to point out the ridiculous ideology that has caused San Fran. to prohibit military recruitment in their (S.F.)shcools during a time of war.

Mr. O'Reilly clearly understands the dangers this enemy presents to EVERY American. It is so sad that every American doesn't clearly understand the nature of this enemy.

Just a point of balance.