Joni Mitchell Blue - Wow help me Agoners

I just got this CD and I love the honesty and emotion of it. Her voice is wonderful. I have some of her newer ones, but her voice and her raw emotion are so much better on Blue.

The recording is a little thin and wonder if there is a better version out there? Where do I get it? Last, can you Joni fans tell me which other albums are like Blue. I want to buy more of her stuff, but want the emotion, voice and style of Blue.

I know I should be more familiar with Blue as I am 44, but I just played it for the first time today. Now this is art!
Can't help you with "Blue", but you should get Shadows and Light, a two HDCD live recording of a 1979 date issued in 1999. The band is killer: Don Alias (drums), Pat Metheny (guitar), Jaco Pastorius (bass), The Percussions (vocals) and I forget who else.
I like Blue also. I always thought of her as the writer for pop songs that others end up making into hits. So it suprised me when she had such a good voice. Maybe a little peircing on this particular CD (the version I have anyway), but very enjoyable.
I have no idea what these other posts are talking about.

Blue is an excellent recording -- my copy is one of my favorite test CDs. Will check the version for you, but I don't think there is anything special about it.

It's not hi fi ish, but it's a very good, non fatiguing recording with an uncanny, almost spooky presence in the vocals.

But whether you believe that or not, there should be no debate that artistically, Blue is a masterpiece and a classic.
Robm321, I have Blue on CD also but the qualilty of the sound of it does not come very close to that of my stereo LP and I purchased my LP originally when it was first released(so it has a lot of miles on it). I find the CD rather harsh to Mitchell's wide-ranging voice. It is, however, still quite good and I would not be without it. However, I would like to know more about your CD if you find it reference material because this is an all-time favorite recording for me and I like the "travelability" and convenience of CD. I am also going to look for the English version that someone in this thread mentioned above. I bet that format sounds even purer. Thanks
I agree with Sit in that the recording is fair at best. Can sound harsh at times. Some songs and song parts sound good with her voice very "in the room". However, other sections are harsh and poorly recorded. Still the music is so good I can get past it.
