Great music but poor recording recommendations.

It hit me that, when I visit most of my audiophile friends, that they are always playing Holly Cole, Pat Barber, Diana Krall, Kraftwerk, Dead Can Dance and other things that are well recorded but not very consonant with my musical sensibility. Most of the music I really enjoy is pretty badly recorded. So I thought that, in the interest of widening musical exposure, we could start a thread with great music that is not particularly well recorded but deserves a hearing from our audiophile friends. Doesn't have to be the worst recording ever or anything like that, just mediocre will do. I'll throw three out. "Introducing Roland Kirk", originally released on Argo and subsequently on Chess. This is Kirk's first record as a leader, before he became Rashaan, a real winner. Recording quality suffers in comparison to his later work on Mercury/Limelight and Atlantic. Robert Earl Keen, "Number 2 Live Dinner". OK, I said that I wouldn't pick the very worst recording, but this may be right up there, hey, it's my thread so I can cheat. Unbelieveable songwriting from this unsung Texas troubadour. Townes (who made a few terrible sounding recordings as well) would be proud. The Strokes "Room On Fire", their latest effort sounds like a direct-to-disc compared to this sophomore outing. More sludge than a Mississippi River flood. One can easily argue that, in this case, we are dealing with artisitic intent. For a brief moment, the only new band that mattered. Next.
One example leaps to mind for me- Jimi Hendrix.

IMO, much of his recorded legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of properly recording musical talent.

Still, I listen :)
Ditto on Yes "Fragile", also Yes "Close to the Edge", and "Relayer".
Tvad is right about Zep's "Physical".
Soft machine's recordings.. very poor until you get to "5"
King Crimson's 1st.
Rush's "Farewell" was rather poor, but I remember "Hemispheres" as much better recorded and pressed.
John Coltrane's live at the Village Vanguard I and II...
can you imagine if you could go back in time with top-notch recording equipment and techies and re-do these?
There are more poor recordings out there than I want to think about. I know an audio engineer who told me most are voiced for car radios. That being said a live album by Van Morrison from 1973 available on CD called Its too Late to Stop Now is my favorite music. I still listen to it. It is poorly recorded not mixed and it shows when using a good system.