If You Like Bill Evans, You'll like ....

Geoffrey Keezer, especially 'Turn Up The Quiet'

There's an awful lot of knowledgeable music lovers here on Audiogon; how about matching up a few, for the benefit of shining some light on lesser known artists and generally expanding our musical horizons?
his recorded interview and performance with Marian McPartland on her "Piano Jazz" series on Concord CD. It is interesting, and insightful and entertaining.

Oh, and you'll like............Chris Anderson
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Ah, Bill Evans. The three albums he did with Paul Motian and Scott LeFaro before he (Scott) died: Trio nirvana. Doesn't get better. Lefaro was a monster. Dead at 22? Car accident, I believe. Evans delicate touch of the ivories: sweetness....and Paul Motian? You talk of lightness of being on the skins? Tonight it's Waltz for Debbie.
Warren, that's positively poetic! And I agree completely, Paul Motian has the most amazing touch.
I sold jazz Cd's for 6 years andn had a store hit that was amazing in sales.Eddie Higgins "Haunted Haert".Pefrfect in very way with Ray Drummond on bass (damn brainfe\reeze is blocking drummer).Was based in Chicago durring late 50's/60's and fter playing ona a few Vee Jay LP's (a black owned label) he was even offered the piano seat in Art Blakey's Jazz Messsengers though he was white(remember early 60's was start of black power movement and Art must thought a hell of a lot of him since he would have gotten a lot of guff for hirring an "offay".Met him in the club he plays weekly in Fort Lauderdale where he now lives and told me he was good freinds with Bill Evans and played with all the greats as they came through Boston where he held the seat at a Hotel which was "the" spot for jazz.Played with MIles and just about everybody.But buy "Haunted Haert" you'll be blown away and if you donit the re[peat button immediately at the finish your not a jazz fan.He has gone on to record much along with the best in the buiness like Archie Sghepp,Hilton Ruiz,Marion Brownm,re-issues of Al Haig etc on one of the finest SOUNDING labels (including DCC ,Moblie Fidelity,JVC's XRCD etc) the Venues label out of Japan who use a "24 bit hyper magnum recoding system" and press CD's.LP's and LP's of the same titles.I reccomende this along with the Mappleshd labels CD by Clifford Joprdan "Live At Ethell's" which used there own cables ,modified mikes and NO BOARD to screw things up with EQ,expansion,compression, or filtering of any kind.Folks who bought thes two titles thought they had new stereo's the sound was so good.As a tgopper even though the sound quality wasn't quite up tp par my third pick (and then they were my customer zombies) was the CD "Unsung Hero" by Charlie Rouse.Those of you who have the Classic Records re-issue of "Yeah!" (where you do get phenomenal sound quality) have two thids of the LP the other tubnes comning from a LP he split withSelson Powell (another sax \hero).Buy these and you'll bne kvelling!!!!!.If you do get one of them or aone of the fantastic four CD'/LP's Archie Shepp did for Venus you'll remember chazz@berkshire.net for more tips.I'd put that Rouse Yeah up with the greatest Getz,Zoot or even Prez LP ever made.Bold staement so go out and buy these three and see if I am a fool or a genius.Buit anybody ho was a Bill Evans fan like I am I turned on to Eddie Higgins and that Haubted Heart " CD and made a hell of a lot of freinds.