Looking For High Quality Drum Music.

I was wondering if anyone can recommend high quality recordings on CD, SACD, or DVD Audio that have good sounding drums. I prefer jazz or rock; however any music with good sounding drums is fine, so long as it isn't rap. I already own the Sheffield Drum record on XRCD by FIM, which sounds terrific with my Silverline GrandeurII speakers.
Below are some of my favorites. These aren't pure drum cd's, but have a particularly notable drum/percussion presence.
- Michael Shrieve/David Beal "The Big Picture"
- Billy Cobham "Spectrum" and "Total Eclipse"
- King Crimson "Red" (most anything with Bill Bruford on drums is worth having, but this one is the one I remember the most.
- Blue Man Group "Audio" they have a 10 ft bass drum and drum on all things in sight.
- Steve Tibbets "Exploded View" - no Drum kit - this is more Congas, Tabla based percussion.
- Brand X "Unorthodox Behavior" and "Morrocan Roll". Phil Collins doing great drum work
- Buckethead "Cholma" mellow guitar and great basic drum lines.
Hi Kevine,

For performance of playing you should check out "Romantic Warrior" by Return To Forever. Lenny White's drumming is phenomemnal! The recording is somewhat dense but is still quite good. The bass is also amazing.


One more for you - Bill Bruford's World Drummers Ensemble -A Coat of Many Colors. Unbelieveable drumming, as always with anything associated with Bill Bruford. Also, Burning for Buddy, a tribute to Buddy Rich with Bruford, Neil Peart, etc is outstanding and very well recorded.
I wasn't expecting this many suggestions. I've already placed an order for a few of these discs on Amazon. Thanks again, Kevin