Music out there with good bass

Looking for music jazz, classical, rock etc. that has great bass. What do you recommend!
If you like "metal" and seek "pounding double bass" kick drums, check out Master's "Faith is in Season".

If you want to see just how much bottom end extension and output your speakers really have, check out Ayre Acoustics "irrational but efficacious" test disc. Starts off at 5 Hz and climbs from there using the "Cardas sweep tone". This disc CAN damage your woofers, tweeters and wallet, so proceed with caution. Sean
I will second the Maxwell "Embrya" album's bass. It opens with one of the most seductive bass lines (and song)and just rolls along from there and from the start you know it's going to be smooth sailing. It's a good album, mostly mid-tempo cuts with a few really choice tracks on it and the gent can sing, my wife LOVES him. If you want to feel a little younger and cooler than you are, put this album on in the background one evening and if your wife doesn't come closer then there's no help for you. I hate to even compare but I think he's like the younger generations Marvin Gaye and Marvin gaye is as good as it gets IMO.

BTW, this gentle did a version of Kate Bush's "A Womans Work" that put my jaw on the floor and my wife in the mood, YMMV.
if you like acoustic jazz upright bass

Brian Bromberg - wood and wood II - such technique
Paul Chambers - bass on top
Lafaro with Bill Evans Quartet
Niels Henning Ormsted Peterson - any of his work with Oscar Peterson Trio or solo
Don Dixon is well known producer (REM,Smithereens, etc.) and a less well known bassist, singer, pop songwriter. He knows how to record a pop-rock rhythm section and evidently loves the sound of his own bass. Try "Romeo at Juliard" which features a cover of "Cool" from West Side Story that features very good electric bass reproduction. He has also covered "Fever" on an Arthur Alexander tribute cd (I forget the title) to similar effect. These do not showcase deep, thunderous bass, but are effective (to my ear) electric bass guitar recordings.
Some suggestions: "Secret World" by Peter Gabriel has bass that wraps around and envelopes you in a way that's difficult to explain until you experience it. Tool on any of their cds has generally some of the coolest bass tones ever recorded. "Perfect Drug" by Nine Inch Nails is a tour de force of interesting sounds of all kinds but the bass will shake the house with the right speakers.