Compare Analogue Productions and Classic records

I am a bit of a newby to the current best record producing companies. Both Analogue Productions and Classic Records have a lot of nice reissues. How do you compare between the two labels. Both seem to have a top of the line 45 RPM version and a lower end 33 RPM version. Looking forward to the feedback.
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45 sound better be4cause it's like running tape at higher speed where more data on tape per inch buit of course they have to be flipped more often.If you get them and or have a large collection nothing beats a vacuum cleaning machine like the VPI.I find that of qll the cleaners eydc the LAST power (pre) clener and eithe LAST or Disc Doctor cleaner for main claning then the LAST preservative whch hardens LP's and prevents wear.I make up my own home crew to clean Lp's even though companies like VPI male resonably priced cleaners but I amke a home bvrew by taking clewan ampty pot.First dump water into it.Then I put pinto of isopropyl into jug followe by two or three DROPS of dish liquid and same two or three drops of chemical goten at any phot shop Kodak Photflow a chemical which serves to reduce water tension so it foes not bead up allowing it to flow across and fully coat LP.A clean LP is a happy LP.Short of a vaccuuum machine a $40 Alssop Orbitrac with replacable pads does a very good job.I use for very dirty Lp's I use one to pre-clean very dirty garage sale Lp's so I don't gum up cleaning LP's that would gum up cleaning pads on the VPI tubes pads.Aftee this major cleaning that takes many steps just and occasional pass on the machine or use the Orbitrac to keep them dust free with a few zaps of Zerostat gun to static from the cleaning process causes or from other sourcdes so Lp's don't atrack.With Lp's cleanliness is next to godliness.
Go on line to SUNDAZED records and check out some of their stuff. They sound very good for the money trust me. As it's been discussed on here before, be prepared to adjust the VTA on your turnarm to get the best possible sound from 180 or 200 gram vinyl.
Thanks everyone. Two follow-up questions. I have a few Classic Records and Simply Vinyl records I bought on Audiogon that are very dirty. Where can I send to have them cleaned. I have an ET-2 arm. Do I need to change the VTA for every record? Thanks
Get Disc Doctor Miracle Record Cleaner and some distilled water and clean them by hand. Very easy, very effective, just follow the cleaning instructions. Many of us here make a practice of cleaning every LP before we play it the first time. Makes a big difference in sound quality and in the life of the LP.

You have a wonderful tonearm that's easy to adjust. Absolutely plan on adjusting VTA for 140gr versus 180gr versus 200gr LPs. The differing thicknesses require it. See Lloyd Walker's recommendations for dialing in VTA and tracking force at

Best of luck,