Ani Difranco

I'm hooked. Got an album on a recommendation: Up Up it. Ani others? thanks in advance...warren :)
A while back there was a thread "Sexiest female voice?" I listed Ani. Her voice really gets me. Of the five Ani Difranco cds I own, Up Up Up is my favorite, also the first one I bought. Try "To the Teeth," it's a close second for me. The sonics on all of her cds (that I own) are first rate.
If you're interested in exploring the family tree, Ani's bassist and musical arranger, Todd Sickafoose, has released two jazz recordings that are phenomenal, IMO. Last year's "Blood Orange" is my favorite CD from the past year.
"Dilate" and "Out of Range". Earlier stuff. The first more personal, the latter more political. Pretty excellent. Check out "Untouchable Face"
..."the family tree.." does she have a sister? thanks, I'll check Sickafoose out...BTW, did some Google homework...looks like she has about a dozen albums...very prolific and diverse..this should be fun.
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