Bob Dylan finally makes sense....

In a recent interview Bob Dylan called music recordings "Atrocious" and went on to add that no good music has been made in the last 20 years, he went on to add that downloads should be free because the music is not worth anything anyway.
I have never really liked Dylan except for a few songs, but it is nice to see someone take a stand on how badly most music is recorded.
"Most overrated musician"? Dylan has been the voice of his generation and a huge, and I mean huge, influence on popular music. His comments, I think, are directed much more to the quality of recording, than the quality of music. Read what he says. He talks about how even his most recent performance(s) sounded better in the studio than they do now on CD (although the new album is out on vinyl shortly).

All I take from Dylan's comments are that he's an analog guy. Take a listen to a mint 2 eye of "The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan" on vinyl released in 1963 and you'll agree with everything he says. Skip the re-releases and compilations, especially on CD and do yourself a favor.
Hdm, you make a good point. I should have known better than to buy that CD compilation. I think the sheer number of great titles must have swayed me. Original vinyl has to be the way to go with Dylan's work.
I think some of you are wasting time talking about something that is a by product of your hobby it's called music.

As Hdm states above you couldn't even interpret his comments correctly.
I also think he's probably referring to his field and general popular music not the art of seeking out "recordings" that so many Audiophiles are obsessed with.

It doesn't surprise me so many Audiophiles don't get/like Dylan because it's well beyond that search for perfection that so many seek through equipment and the unhealthy obsession on recording quality.
Dylan has operated in parameters and levels that simply don't interest equipment hobbyists in the main.

It's been proved time and time again with a few notable exceptions that Audiogon really is better suited to talking Audio because when it comes to music it is reactionary and for the most part clueless.
Imho of course.
>>I have never really liked Dylan except for a few songs<<

As a performer or songwriter? I understand the argument about Dylan's vocal renditions. He's no Mel Torme but that wasn't his goal. However, he is an outstanding musician.

That being said, he is the finest and most prolific songwriter over the past 50 years. That is indisputable.