Bob Dylan finally makes sense....

In a recent interview Bob Dylan called music recordings "Atrocious" and went on to add that no good music has been made in the last 20 years, he went on to add that downloads should be free because the music is not worth anything anyway.
I have never really liked Dylan except for a few songs, but it is nice to see someone take a stand on how badly most music is recorded.
>>I have never really liked Dylan except for a few songs<<

As a performer or songwriter? I understand the argument about Dylan's vocal renditions. He's no Mel Torme but that wasn't his goal. However, he is an outstanding musician.

That being said, he is the finest and most prolific songwriter over the past 50 years. That is indisputable.
Dylan said:
"I don’t know anybody who’s made a record that sounds decent in the past 20 years, really."
“Even these songs probably sounded 10 times better in the studio when we recorded ’em. CDs are small. There’s no stature to it.”

Irrespective of his talents as a musician/songwriter, he sounds no less embittered than any other 65 year old decrying the advent of the computer as the end of inter-personal communication. It couldn't be that he simply doesn't hear as well as he did 20 years ago? He's 65, c'mon! It happens to all of us, genius and dunce alike.

The fact is there are labels who have put out entire catalogs of well-constructed, well-recorded music...and no one has to go on an audiophilogical dig to find them.

I think you are slighty wrong, and as a matter of fact I submitted ealry today a thread about Dulan's comments that never made it through.

What Bob Dylan said was that he was amazazed on how bad the recording quality has been for the past 20 years, he did not complain about the music itself.
He mentioned that music is over compressed and that instrument and vocal definition is not present.

He even said that his latest album sounded better in the studio than after he heard it on CD.
