Which artists' music do you buy without audition

We all have our favorite artists and often have large collections of music by them. Name some who when a new cd or vinyl comes out you will buy without hesitation, audition or others' opinions.

Emmylou Harris is one of those for me.
I think there's something to be said for Jaybo's shopping method. On a recent trip to Brazil I was in a used record store looking at rock LP's from the 70's through the early 90's. Not able to read or speak Portuguese I found myself attracted to certain album art. There were two things I found quite amazing.

1) What an incredibly good job the VPI 16.5 record cleaner can do on what looks like an LP suitable only for the grave.

2) I hit above 80% liking vs. not liking the music based solely on the look of the album art.
another vote for massive attack. i'm hooked and love the stuff. their most recent release is fantastic imho.