Dark Day For Hands On Music-Movie Buyers

Tower Records, a definite iconic chain of stores known for it's wide selection is soon to be no more. I've bought my music and movies from Amazon etc but it's not the same as going to the store and browsing. Sad day.
It's pretty big news here in Sacramento, where Tower began in 1960. I remember riding my bicycle up to the original store to buy my first LPs..."Toys in the Attic", "Armed Forces" and "Houses of the Holy". I stopped on the way home to unwrap them and read the liner notes. I can't tell you how many albums I bought because I heard them on the Tower store system. Graham Parker, The Clash, The Beat, and so on. I'll miss them. It was a special place.
They did themselves in, if you ask me. I used to buy a ton at tower, but a shrinking selection combined with rude, unhelpful and unknowledgable asshats behind the counter drove me away years ago.
Congrats Jaybo, you got it right.

RIP Tower records, you will be missed by the true music lovers.
I'm one of the lucky ones: I've got Amoeba Records on the corner of Highland and Sunset. It's a music lover's paradise.

I admit don't know where you guys live, but the best buys in most of the chicago area actually have had more of the movies and CD's, ESPECIALLY DVD-A,
And SACD in stock than both the large tower stores by me.. Now it is true that if a certain artist had some less popular Albums out, that tower would likely have a few stocked over the more popular albums, where as Best buy would only keep a Copy or 2 if lucky. But I found nothing at tower anymore in the last 5 years, special box sets etc.. were the only thing I would try to find, and all of a sudden ONLY best buy had them. But I would believe the Towers in California etc.. might have been much better. Of course tower 10 15 years ago was the top dog, no argument, but they never changed with the times in my area.