Guys, I am merely stating what I have found personally. Calloway, I have heard the Chalice but not under good circumstances and have not been able to avail myself of your kind offer. Please also know that I have had perhaps 20 tube amps and probably 8 or 9 tube preamps, including what I consider the best, my Exemplar XP-2. Amps have always been more of an issue, as my power needed have varied as I have gone from compression drivers in horns to dynamic drivers in small boxes. This is going from 103 db efficiency to 86 db. I have had amps with 1.56 watts output and amps with 300 watts output.
The best amp I have ever heard was made by Western Electric and use 2 WE 205 tubes putting out 1.56 watt into a beat up Altec 604. If only there had been two. I realize, however, that some music would not have been reproduced well on this system.
Finally, I have experienced miracles with the Tripoint Troy Signature, the StillPoints Ultras, the Star Sound Apprentices, the Koda K 10 preamp, and the HFC cables. Had I these devices long ago, my conclusions might be quite different.