The Dead

Just read where the incoming speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are huge fans of the Grateful Dead. While I do not agree with their politics, it is refreshing to see politicians who are also music lovers. Comments?
Nancy has no time for such antics...She's gotta clean up all those ethics issues. Oh, and welcome Mr. Jefferson back home.

I can't wait to pick up his freezer in a yard sale.
Don't you mean: Nancy and her ship of fools (while quite hairy) managed a standing ovulation?
Yes, men & women alike. Reportedly, even Dubya stopped by on return from vacation--it was that time of the month, after all--to rip a mean air guitar on "Brokedown Palace". Seems the whole dang country can't get enough of the dead.
They never said they were music lovers, only fans of The Grateful Dead. I've been around long enough to know not to read anything into what politcians say.