The Dead

Just read where the incoming speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are huge fans of the Grateful Dead. While I do not agree with their politics, it is refreshing to see politicians who are also music lovers. Comments?
They never said they were music lovers, only fans of The Grateful Dead. I've been around long enough to know not to read anything into what politcians say.
Well said, Beavis, he-he-he...politicians will even pretend they're human if they think it'll get them votes.

Gunbei, where the hell have you been? These discussions just aren't any fun without you strippin' necked.

P.S.--don't forget about Danlib1's fantasy about Condi & a horsewhip. Get him where he's most vulnerable!
Boa2, at least you guys still have Albert Porter around. He'll never be able to live down his naked stripper and wet Fruit-o-the-Loom weekend at the Hardrock Casino from CES 2003.

Albert was fine and dandy until ol' Mattybumpkin and the king of sin himself Jax2 got him drunk and gave him 175 dollars and zero cents in singles. Albert kept demanding a two-for-one $6 dollar lap dance from I think, Brandy was her name. One thing lead to another,and poor old Albert woke up the next day in the bathroom of his hotel room wearing only his completely soaked-thru briefs.

Albert is one wild Texas photog!
Gunbei, it's just as well you told about the party.......It turns out that Brandi (not Brandy) was eager to do the lap dance because "she" was in fact, a he.

I know this had to be something you dreamed up to pull on an old drunk friend, I returned the favor.

I gave "her" your phone number and told her the person she needed in her life was Gunbei (she LOVED that fact that her name and Gunbei both ended in the letter i ).

No point in trying to cover it up now, when I went to CES last year the relationship between you and Brandi was ALL over that town, (Only Vegas could relate to this kind of love story).

The phone pole across the street from the Convention Center had a deep carving with a big heart, "Gunbei + Brandi" cut deep into that old creosote pole. What was odd was the arrow through the heart, I swear it resembled something phallic.

Then when I went downtown to see the light show under the canopy next to the Gold Nugget there was a sidewalk painter who was working on a huge creation (in chalk) of a little green guy holding a lap dancer. The title was "Gunbei and Brandi Forever."

Good luck from me and Jax2.
Albertporter & Gunbei, the good news is that this years CES is at the Venetian. The bad news is that they changed the dates, so the CES ends 2 days BEFORE the AVN Awards. Silicone Valley meets Vegas :-)
Phil, Bobby, Micky, Bill, and assorted friends including Warren Haynes, Trey, oh my and you can go if you like the tickets are only 1$, oops 1 kilobuck, sorry to get you excited.

I think we're seeing the the next Phil and Freinds line-up.
I personally liked this year with Joan, Rob, Scoffield/Molo (Johns) Barry, Larry, and Greg, plus whom ever else they pulled in Dickie, Trey -------

Still the Dead as a house band has to be a good sign!!!