Are the Grammy's becoming irrelevant?

It seems to me the Grammy's have never recovered from the introduction of the MTV Music Awards. The MTV Music Awards came out of the gate with two objectives:

1. To modernize the format of music awards and shock the audience.
2. Provide a new stage for Rappers and Hip-Hop music.

This was a combination that became highly successful for MTV. At first the Grammy's tried to remain above the fray and put on a classy show, however over time to compete they've became just another MTV type music award. Which leads to the question - are the Grammy's still relevant? Do you look forward to watching the show every year and if so; why?
The grammys are irrelevant as is the record industry for the most part. The record companies are so out of touch with what makes good "music" and their awards show can only re-iterate that fact. By contrast the Oscars are fairly relevant and actualy award "quality" work regardless of box office. Case in point - the Oscars devoted 15-20 minutes to a pretty darn good composer named Ennio Morricone - whereas, guess how much time the grammys will be devoting to beethoven or glass or film scores or the recent coltrane recordings or any record that anyone on audiogon cares about...? Every year at this time I marvel at the contrast between the Oscars and the grammys - one industry is really developing and promoting an art form and the other is in the trash business.
Gdoodle - well said... couldn't agree more. Although I'd say the Oscars are treading head first into the PC lake. By most critical accounts I've seen, Al Gore's movie was poorly crafted at best.

Art will always cross the divide into the political arena, but Hollywood and the Academy Awards IMO is in no position to teach or lecture the public. I thought this was the most political Academy Award show I've ever seen.