Neil Young at Massey Hall

Anyone hear this yet? It has been a good long while since I have been so moved by a recording. This is the second installment from the Neil Young archives cut at Massey Hall (Canada's "Carnegie Hall") between "After the Gold Rush" and "Harvest". Neil plays mostly "new" material off "Harvest". Very good sound given the situation but more importantly phenomenal playing and, yes, singing by Neil in the prime of his life. Just had to share...if you don't have it, buy it--if you are a fan you won't be disappointed.
I also really, really enjoyed this disc. The sound is excellent. Anyone have any other CDs that are similiar to this (not necessarily Neil Young) that they really enjoy? I am looking for suggestions.


I have been raving about this show to friends. The HDCD as decoded on the Linn Majik is incredible. I will say the higher resolution DVD includes shots of the performance and is a nice addition.
other intimate live setttings

Ricki Lee Jones - acoustic live (forget the title)

Neil's unplugged from early 90's

McCartney's unplugged

Nirvana unplugged
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I would assume Massey Hall will arrive belatedly on Classic Records vinyl, as did Prairie Wind and Living with Law.