Beatles Music

I was into the Beatles in the 70's and that was of coarse on albums. Now I am trying to put together the albums I know and love in CD form but wanting the best in audio quality. Seems what I knew only as albums I purchased at the record store now have Japanese, German, US, UK, etc releases and versions that sometimes are not even close to the albums I can Recognize. I would like some idea of a complete set of CD's I should go buy that can now be played on some fairly critical audio gear as CD's and play similar to the albums that are burned into my head. This desire comes from seeing the Cirque Du Soleil show and listening to the love album. Great album just wish it was all there released music when they where playing. Appreciate any suggestion on this and the more specific the better.
Hopefully they'll release a high rez and/or re-mixed full catalogue on DVD -audio or sacd hybrid before were all dead.

That link you typed in above does not work. I tried it several times. All I get is "this page can not be displayed". I then went to to try and access it that way and my PC went crazy typical of when a virus hits. I immediately shut it down and waited 30 secs. So for so good but I have to run a virus check as well as spyware check to make sure. Are you sure that's a safe site? Could be just my PC. Just want to be safe. Thanks.
"White Album" - check Amazon and see if there are any Japanese import versions. If so, buy it as chances are real good it's been properly remastered.