Who is your favorite blues guitarist

Such a hard question. there are so many people who have influenced blues guitar. I'm born and raised in chicago been to rush street many times, so the blues have always been a part of my life. But to me no one has ever done to the blues what STEVIE RAY VAUGHN did. He was able to do things on the guitar that artists are still trying to do today, and I think he gets forgotten because he has been gone so long, but if you ask most blues artists today who they thought was the best most would put him in thier top 3. One of my greatest blues recordings of all time was A CD made in 83' called in session" It was done with my other great blues guitarist ALBERT KING. If SRV would have lived he would have done things that would have blown us all away!!
One of my favourites is Kelly Joe Phelps.
Mississippi Fred McDowell does it for me too.
I would include many of the artists already mentioned among the best but I have to add Eric Clapton. Anyone who says he's too white or too rich is deaf. The man can play the blues.
Chris Smither.

I never get tired of hearing him, and he has a pretty good number of albums out there after some 30 years of playing.