Tube lovers....CAT POWER.. Go see her live..

I just went and saw Chan Marshall (Cat Power) in Vancouver. Wow, the sound, her voice, the guitarist..bassist was like...liquid....honey.

The sound glowed. Maybe it was the venue, but WOW. And the drummer with his cymbal, high hat play gave everything a shimmer... The band was unbelievable.

I now know what I want my system to sound like..

For all those who like sultry female vocalists (I am not really one)... with an unbelievably nuanced, slightly gravely voice ooooooozing with emotionality.... GO SEE HER (she's only doing 12 shows in North America).. you'll thank me.

It was only $35 here...

You Cat Power fans should check out a great new artist...Thao With The Get Down Stay Down. Throw Chan Marshall's voice, Sufjan Stevens' instrumentation, a little Neko Case & a little Feist in a blender and you have a great record. I hung out with her last week and she told me she'll be opening for Rilo Kiley for a while so I'm sure she's fixing to get a lot of exposure. A few samples here:
Synthfreak: I have the Thao record, but so far the songs aren't hitting me! I need to live with it a little longer, I guess.