For all you Lounge Lizards

About a year and a half ago I was struggling to find new music. My WinMx had died on me, so I needed another source to tap into for musical experimentation. Up pops the greatest music web site on the planet - Bingo, problem solved.

I love Acid Lounge, Downbeat, Electronica, Global Underground etc., etc. So I'm listening to when a song comes up that just sent chills up my spine. I quickly pulled up the screen to see who it was and the name of the tune. The band is called 45 Dip and the song is "Motorcity". I go back to work and sure enough 20 minutes later another insanely good song crops up on the Dora. Once again I pull up the screen to see who it is... 45 Dip and the song is called "Smokin in the cockpit" of the same CD entitled "The Acid Lounge". Right then and there I went straight to and bought it. Good move... out of 5 stars I give it a 6. These two British DJ's put together an elixir of smokey jazz, funk and rock that will blow you away. Supposedly, these two coined the term Trip Hop back in the '90's, although that doesn't seem to matter, because what's laid down on The Acid Lounge is so sultry, fresh and likable you just want to play it over and over.

Buy it, you won't be disappointed.
I would add very Strongly "Air",The French Band[ALL] and Peace Orchestra and Hooverphonic.JD
Kruder & Dorfmeister's 'K & D Sessions' remains one of my all-time faves from this genre...
Rae & Christian would be another slammin selection. I have some Peace Orchestra and Hooverphonic... very nice stuff.

"Air" is good, in fact Zero 7 owes their sound to Air. However, I like Z7 better.