How to reproduce sound of piano

I currently own a decent rig, Mac MA 2275, AP Sparks, Marantz 8001, Rega Apollo, Benchmark DAC w/ Squeezebox Duet. I love the way it sounds with jazz, voice, orchestral works and also it's decent with chamber music.

But I find when I'm listening to piano solo performances it doesn't quite sound nearly good as the live instrument. This is too bad because I mainly listen to classical piano works. I want to build a new system from scratch dedicated to listen to solo piano works as well as piano conertos.
I don't care for "warmth", "timbre", "soundstage" or other loaded audiophile terms. Just want absolutely accurate piano reproduction as possible.

What qualities should I look for? Analog vs digital source. Solid state vs tube amp? I find my tube amp unable to keep up with technical masters as Pollini or Horowitz. But will going to SS take away from the performces of more romantic pianists like Kempf and Zimerman? As for speakers, I never heard of a speaker capable of reproducing the deep bass of a 9ft+ concert Steinway grand. Are electrostatics way to go? My budget is around $25K USD. Thanks for any feedback.
I agree with Jax2 and Tobias. Vinyl played through horn speakers with tube amplification are the way to go for things that cover the full frequency range all the time, like solo piano music, or large orchestral or opera.

Er, ah, I didn't say that. I don't listen to vinyl anymore (except in friend's systems), but certainly enjoy it. I also said nothing about horns, though I've enjoyed those in the past as well, and remain a big fan. I'm not sure I'd agree with everything you've said. I'd agree that solo piano is well served (or can be) by the system topology you propose. I'd have to say that my experience, at least with SET amplification and horns, is that it would not do the scale and dynamics of opera or large-scale orchestral music as much justice as I've heard done with other means of amplification (though it certainly can sound quite good). As far as other tube amps (push/pull, pentode, etc.) my own experience has been that the larger scale, more dramatic/dynamic music that is more densely layered seems to be better served by various SS amps I've had and or heard, though OTL tube amps have occurred to me to be a contender as well. Though I used horn loaded speakers for many years, I no longer do because of space limitations (I haven't been fond of any of the smaller horn solutions I've heard, and just don't have the space in my current room for the horns I'd like). I'm currently using Coincident Super Eclipse III's (not horns), which I like very much. Perhaps what we do agree on, and what I was trying to point out, is that one does not necessarily require high-watt SS amplification to get close to a convincing sound of piano. It seemed like early posts seemed to focus on that perfectly reasonable approach, but I thought it should be noted there are others. YMMV, as always. I don't believe there's only one way to go to get closer to realistic piano as far as the system-approach is concerned. I think everyone's version of what "realistic" piano sounds like may be quite different as well.
I actually have a 1962 Steinway concert grand in the living room of the house I live in. (It's a small house, but with a large (30 x 25) living room with high ceilings (15 feet), and the piano fits quite nicely with lots of empty space around it,) I'm not much of a piano player, but I do love the sound of a really fine piano.

If you were to hear what a piano like this actually sounds like in a living room, I don't think anyone here would be claiming that his system quite reproduces that sound.
Well, if you frame the question that way, I don't know any system that really meets the exact reporduction standard. You can go to any high-end stereo store or audio show and listen to many different very high-end systems and no two will sound the same. Does any particular one exhibit exact reproduction of the live instrument? Does many of them do a good job? I would say no the former and yes to the latter question. Of course since the original poster is pretty much focused on just one insturment he stands a better chance of getting a system optimized for that criterion. Across the board of all insturments and vocals, I don't belive it's possible.
Hello, Shadorne said a while back in this thread,"Let
me say you need a very clean waterfall plot."

What exactly do you mean by that? Also why do you want this? What does it mean ? And how do you get this? How do you identify this?

" I would say no the former and yes to the latter question. "
I completely agree. (:

Jax2, You've brought two points up, which mirror my experience:
I've pondered extensively as well as listened two various SET and horn combinations and came to similar conclusions as you did. I didn't try the biggest aCapellas though. I couldn't and wouldn't afford them, quite apart from their size.

Also I've found that OTLs pleased my ears most with really big orchestral music doing big dynamic swings without losing important detail, so I settled for the 200watt Atmas, which however proved a tad weak on the chest together with my Sound Labs on that very DG recording of Argerich's playing Liszt which I had mentioned above. I would have loved to have bought Ralph's biggest offering in amplification, which however would have busted my budget, so I settled for second choice, the Siegfrieds, which I could buy used here on A. I could have avoided the Sound Labs of course, but I've gotten so used to the sound of stators and to build systems around them for practically the last 50 years that can't help to find most cone speakers either colored or slow or lacking in homogeneity. Question of hearing-habit I suppose. I know this is neither factual nor "objective", but I listen to my ears. (;