New "Astral Weeks Live"

Van still has it. This is a very good disc as most of you know. Recording is so,so but because it's live it just has an emotional involvment that can't be denied. It's not always about great recordings you know. Hearing this great old standby redone is a delight! Buy it! You wont regret it.
I have to say. I've talked to other audiophiles concerning this cd. It seems that a lot of "so called music lovers" don't like the new version because it's live. Well, all I can say about that is Bull@$&t! If your only into studio recordings that have no audience (which I like both) then you're not a music lover at all! Music is about involvement and if a little audience noise bothers you then your just a gear head.
I have no problem with the live recording,good live recordings are priceless.
But dont you think he is slurring the words waaayyyy too much?
"then you're not a music lover at all!"

I'll probably regret not remaining silent, but this and similar statements that admonish others as not being "true (whatever),for having different preferences is...what's the word I'm looking for...oh yes, perfect: "Bull@$&t!"
Yea, Van's a little sloppy. But I can make out his lyrics better than Jimmy Hendrix or some of the old Mick Jagger stuff and I like them too. I just think if you don't want to hear any other sounds (audience,coughing, hoots, hollars) Then why go listen to live music! Live music is still where it's at. Willie Nelson was here in Boone NC last Feb. and the crowd was annoying. Children were playing and people were drunk, some even were lighting up those left handed cigs. Imagine that at a Willie Nelson show! Well, oh Willie played for three hours and it went by like 10 minutes. That never happens in the comfort of my home listenig room with all my fancey rig. Although sometimes it's very close. Great show!