Best John Mayer Album

John Mayer's name keeps popping up. What album do you think is his best?
No, someone didn't just compare John Mayer to Stevie Ray Vaughn did they? Wow..
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I am not a true JM fan (but love Jennifer A.) but in 1999 he opened up for the Rolling Stones in Houston, by himself - no band, and the 'kid' wailed. He didn't 'blow the 'stones off stage, but was very respectable in his performance. I do like Try (Steve Jordon and Pino Palladino may have something to do with this).
Mac, there's a big difference between suggesting that Stevie Ray fans might enjoy "Try", and implying that I hold the two on the same plane. The reason I mentioned it is that Mayer has been quoted as saying that SRV was a hero of his, and that he's inspired him. I'd kinda put it in the vein of "If you're a Deadhead, then you might get a kick out of Phish". Cheers,

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