Shout out for DMB's Big Whiskey /GrooGrux

One of the best releases for 2009. On constant rotation at the moment. Tight "live" sound rarely captured in Dave's other recent work. Would have to go back to Crash for similar, muscular sound.
I had heard that Carter was playing with a Ludwig Black Beauty snare lately, but who knows if that is what is on that track. It does sound like a metal shelled snare. I also heard that Yamaha was working on a Carter Beauford Signature snare, but that it wasn't done yet. I am a huge Carter fan. I prefer his snare sound from the UTTAD and Crash which was an Ocheltree carbon fiber steel snare. IMO, that snare sound is the one drummers identified him with and had to know what it was. Ants Marching- need I say more?
Sorry to derail this thread with drum talk!

Thanks - that would be this beauty. Anyway it sounds awesome and really funky. I recommend this album even for causal fans of DMB ( I got it yesterday and it is in heavy rotation )
Did anyone else have this problem? The cd imported into my Mac Mini flawlessly. But my Macbook wouldn't read it. I then put in another cd that I bought at the same time and it worked fine. Tried Big Whiskey again and it wouldn't read it. When I physically compared the two discs, Big Whiskey is ever so slightly thicker. Kind of weird.

Great music though.