Do you plan to buy The Beatles CD remasters?

And if so, will you be going for the stereo or the mono? The release is close enough now -- 09/09/09 -- that I'm starting to get pretty excited about this -- though I'm really not sure which to get. Maybe both? Nah, that would be awfully excessive, wouldn't it? But, we are talking about The Beatles, after all, so maybe ...
What are your thoughts?
I read somewhere that the new mono's will not use excessive, or perhaps any?, compression, helping to preserve the dynamics of the recordings. Can any one confirm that this is the case?
Hey smug vinyl lovers. I am too a vinyl lover. I have 3-4 copies of every Beatle album on various issues of vinyl.

The point is, get your head out of your you know what and stop the cliche filled BS. We all know vinyl CAN be better than CD. Bit until you hear the remasters please don't act like you KNOW what you have is better.

Listen to yourselfs....
No. I have never liked the Beatles. I am not really a melody kind of person. I like music with some rhythmic complexity to it rather than simply a cute ditty.
Absolutely!! I kind of wish that the release dates were staggered only because I know I am going to purchase them all. Just want to say that it scares me when people that supposedly have an ear for music say they don't like the Beatles music.