Chashmal-read my reply above regarding "soft punk". it's a term i made up on the fly and might not be the best way to describe the sound.'s punk rock where the band actually knows how to play instruments and you can somewhat understand what they are singing about or saying =). soft punk also has some form of rhythm or beat imo....unlike the hardcore stuff (sex pistols, black flag, dead kennedy's, ect...).
it's not necessarily "kinder or gentler"....just easier to listen too imo. was un-aware of the term "cow punk" when i started this thread. that might have been a better term to use.'s punk rock where the band actually knows how to play instruments and you can somewhat understand what they are singing about or saying =). soft punk also has some form of rhythm or beat imo....unlike the hardcore stuff (sex pistols, black flag, dead kennedy's, ect...).
it's not necessarily "kinder or gentler"....just easier to listen too imo. was un-aware of the term "cow punk" when i started this thread. that might have been a better term to use.