Your Best Vinyl Memory

I am getting a bit nostalgic by looking over the recent threads on songs or bands from the great 80's. So I thought I would start a new one.

My greatest memory involving vinyl was when I was in High School with my first true love. My best friend and I were dating girls that were also best friends. Our first date ended with some romantic moments to the Peter Cetera Album. I have never been able to listen to Cetera again without thinking back at those moments.

How else has music made an impact on your life??????
listening to Thin Lizzy and Queen in the basement while playing pool with childhood friends, mom stomping on the floor, then I would turn it up
Listening to side 4 of Electric Ladyland the first time I got stoned.

Very weird.
When I was a child, I had a blast throwing my mothers 45's and my brothers lp's off the top of the stone quarry that was behind our house. Man, those puppies would sail!

My brother wasn't impressed when the lp's turned up missing, and nobody knew where they went.