How large is your music collection?

At one time I had about 5000 CDs and I sold them due to the fact that I had no room for them and most of them I didn't listen to at all. In the last few years I add a title to my collection only if it is really good and worthy of multiple listens and the enjoyment value is high. My current collection is less than 1000 for both CD and vinyl.

I've got a friend that has so many CDs, SACDs, LPS, etc. that even if he listened for 8 hours a day he would never repeat the same selection in more than 10 years. To me that just doesn't make sense but it makes him happy so I guess that is what counts.

How about everyone here? Do you add just to add or do you keep your collection, like me, to just the best of the best.
Should I feel bad for having 7000 or so CDs? Wow bongofury...there are a few artists that I have close to 100 discs of just their albums. I don't know what I'd do if I had 200 CDs. Vinyl...I'd guess 5000 or so.
I've got about 43,000 songs in my collection (on a music server). It has been compiled from CDs I've bought along with LPs and open reels in my collection from years back that I've converted.

For me, the point of that size collection is not that I am constantly listening to every song repeatedly, but rather I have an enormous selection of choices available for whatever mood I'm in.

Not too long ago I went through a spell where I was listening to a lot of stuff from the 40s and 50s - Louis Jordon, various boogie woogie artists. Other times I may be in a mood for classic jazz - Chet Baker, Coltrane, Art Blakey. Or perhaps I'm exploring newer releases by Diane Birch or Gogol Bordello. I also love classical which offers an endless array of recordings for exploration, especially if one can appreciate having more than one version of a piece or is interested in going beyond the common standards.

I know some people primarily stick with mostly one genre and have their solid preferences when it comes to artists. However, when one is a musical omnivore, the collection tends to continue growing and growing. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Synthfreek: I used to be the tour side of the business and loved that I could carry all my favorite songs around in a iPod and portable stereo when on the road.

When I am at home, I like to kick back and really enjoy a listening session. My small and humble collection contains artists that I think exceled at making great albums, end to end, rather than the one-single numbers that constitute the majority of iPod's content.
i have about 450 cds and about 40 lps. just started getting into vinyl, so i expect that collection to grow at a more exponential rate than m cds.
3k LP
1K cd
1000-1500 albums in FLAC files
I figure they won't let me have my LP's in the nursing home so I'm currently backing up my albums to FLAC files
You can never have too much music. I like the idea of having a large collection which allows me to sample a large amount of music.