How often do you get a chance to see live music

How often are you able to get out and see live music weather it be local bands or large concerts? I do not always get out to see big concerts as often as I would like but I try to see local bands as often as possble.
At least monthly, often several times in a month, and I jave enjoyed every one of them except one, where a row of drunk males spoiled it so I left. That one was Tom Petty.
Several times per year. I try to go to just small venues (bars) and theatres any more, and I always bring earplugs (hi, my name is Dan, and I'm an old fart). For the life of me I don't know why acoustic bands at small venues amplify. Even if its just one guy and acoustic guitar. I'd bet that if they didn't amplify, the crowd would quiet down considerably. I recently caught Francine Reed at a beautiful outdoor facility near Atlanta. The band wasn't too loud (for once), but she was horribly miced! Her voice pierced my ears all night long. I wouldn't had known it was even her singing save for seeing her on stage. The whole experience was completely ruined by (poor) amplification. I crabbed about it during the show and all the way home. Everyone else there near me and in the car told me I ruined their night by yapping about it. They all thought it was a great show and I was just a crabby old fart. (I am, but that's not the point.)
I left NYC about 10 years ago. I used to live a block from the Bottom Line and got to catch a show there every week or two. Also made it to several other nearby venues pretty frequently. That was then.

Now, I live just outside LA and we have a club here that programs for a suburban audience. The result is a little heavy on the '80s, but when they go further back some great acts pop up. Maybe four to six shows a year, and I'll make it to half of those. McCabes in Santa Monica regularly programs top shelf guitar talent for mostly acoustic shows and I attend quarterly (ish). I also see a show in Vegas about once a year. Jazz a few times a year at local clubs, too. I even made it to Staples Center for my first arena show (Fleetweood Mac) in decades.

I still love seeing live music.
Here in Nashville there`s always live music. I catch a show about 2 times week.
Last Thursday, I went to hear a piano recital by Murray Perahia; Saturday I heard the Colorado Symphony and Sunday I heard a vocal recital by Thomas Hampson. That's a little more than usual, but all three were terrific and I wouldn't have wanted to miss any of them. I try to catch the symphony 3-4 times per month. I'm a member of the local folk association and hear great musicians there at least monthly. I used to be a great fan of rock and jazz, but mostly those venues are WAY too loud, and I rarely bother with live shows in those genres.