Taylor Swift

I'll probably get kicked out of this place but I bought the Taylor Swifts album. All original songs and performed really well. The CD is a tad compressed but her voice is predominant and clear. She sounds almost like Jewel but with songs that have very young theme (young love mostly). I'm an old geezer but I liked it. I'm going to take it over to my stereo buddy and see what he says.
Thanx, Russ
Her music is not my cup of tea, however I believe she got those awards for a reason and she certainly appears to be handling her success quite well for her age.

Although she appears to have hit some home runs with her "original" songs, I think that her vocal style is less than original and shared by many performers today. Just an observation - listen to Suzanne Vega's vocals on 'Luka' (way back) from 1987. Very similar to Swift's styling. Vega's performance was nominated for record of the year, song of the year and best female pop vocalist with no wins. Had she innovated a style that was ahead of its time?
She seems to have a very week voice when performing live. Many times she seems to be off key.
But, that doesnt stop her from performing on just about every possible live broadcasts.
I guess thats better than the fake lip synch so many of todays artist use.