Johnny Cash

Sitting here with too much time and doing some much needed listening. I cued up the American IV The man comes around, Man ! What a powerful album! Great sonics and the music is just awesome. The Nine inch nails cover of hurt was just powerful. The man definitely had what it takes to stir a soul. What are we doing to have when all the greats are gone? LOL, I reckon new greats. Johnny you are missed RIP!
I too am a huge Cash fan, I have a lot of his stuff on vinyl. As everyone else has stated, the American Recordings series are musically and sonically brilliant.

I think I may have mentioned this in another thread, get "The Best Of The Johnny Cash TV Show - 1969-1971" DVD. It's truly a must-have for any Cash fan. Seeing and hearing him and Dylan sing "Girl from the North Country" is worth the price of the DVD alone.
Cash has one of those voices people either love or hate,like Dylan,Willie Nelson and Levon Helm.I happen to admire all of them.
Thank you for this post. I fired up the album at your suggestion and OMG are you right. Larger than life.
Favorite Johnny Cash songs anyone?

Mine is still "Pick the Wildwood Flower" I think.
There are so many great Cash songs that it's hard to pick just one. It's a tie between "Flesh And Blood" and "Sunday Morning Coming Down".