New Tom Petty

Well, what do you think? Bought it last night, have'nt gotten to it yet,but from what I've read about it, sounds very interesting....
inspired in part by this thread, i've devoted more time listening to mojo and my initial enthusiasm has somewhat temepered. there's a distinct, 70s fleetwood mac vibe to these proceedings, which is not necessarily a bad thing. however, the record is, in the end, decidedly schizophrenic--really cool, hard edged rockers are offset by the underdriven, mostly forgettable ballady stuff. plus "pirates cove" should never have entered the canon of such a fine band. nonetheless, i reiterate that mike campbell is a god. and i vote with those opining that the recording quality is superb--if nothing else, the record sounds damn good.
The SQ controversy is interesting, as both the Pallas pressing and recorded SQ seem excellent to me as well. Bill, is it possible that your negative opinion about SQ is attributable to the digital recording process in general as compared to analog recording? Although recorded in hi rez, there is a slight synthetic character (what I would call a digital "envelope") that perhaps no lover of the analog recording process can ever get over.
Ok, I'll take one more bite of the apple probably to the consternation of most readers but this is it.

To my ears this is simply a good but nothing out of the ordinary recording. As a frame of reference let me use another over-hyped (IMO) album recognized for its' "superior" sonics.

I now have 23 copies (18 vinyl, 5 digital) of Dark Side Of The Moon. In almost every "best recordings" thread, this album inevitably receives accolades one after the other.

To my ears, the album is very similiar to Mojo i.e. a very good recording but nothing spectacular. Yes, the special effects are cool and much of the synthesizer (VCS 3) work is groundbreaking. But sonically the album pales in comparison to Wish You Were Here, The Wall, and even Meddle for that matter.

I'm done now as I've undoubtedly PO'd many Pink Floyd groupies in addition to Tom Petty's.

Oh yeah
Yadda yadda.....
Audiofeil,I have to agree with you on one point,"Wish You Were Here" is a much better recording than "Dark Side Of The Moon".