Bands that had a "masterpiece", w/ common theme

Odd title. "sorry if it turns you off"
Pink Floyd "The Wall" @ "The Final Cut" (underated)
Kansas "Leftoverture"
ELP "Brain Salad Surgery"
Manfred Mann "The Roaring Silence"
I could go on, this is just to get it started.
I agree with most of previous - my fave of the bunch being APP - Tales...mystery...E A Poe..., concept, lyric and production wise.

...I also think P F - Final cut is an underrated masterpiece.
The Clash, The Stones, Radiohead come to mind.

IMHO: Only two albums were able to sound coherent over a wide range of genre styles but maintained a common theme: The Clash, London Calling,and the Stone's Exile on Main Street. Each song informed the next as a seemless whole.

With a comtemporary band, I also give huge kudos to Radiohead: OK Computer, Amnesiac and Hail to the Thief are not as coherent of playing different styles but work the common theme aspect.
A'feil- Haven't read the McCartney interviews you reference so will glady defer to you in that regard. The OP asked about a "common theme" not necessarily concept albums. Based on tracks 1, 2, 7, and 12 I'd argue there is a "common theme" to SPLHCB. (though many of the tracks are "off theme"). At the least that's my view. FWIW - I'd consider Pink Floyd's "Ummagumma" another entry for this thread. By the way, if you're willling, I'm interested in understanding more about what you mean regarding, "The Beatles playing themselves is the gimmick." Ciao.