Music you HATE the most but once you LOVED it

Too young to die, too old to rock and roll.

When I was young I loved some music that, right now, I can not stand it anymore, like:

Mahavishnu Orchestra
Emerson, Lake and Palmer
Jeff Beck: "Blow by Blow" and "Wired". Curiosly, I still listen to the Jeff Beck Group.

I hear ya folks.
I don't agree to your thread. As a music lover I might NOT LIKE certain music. But HATE....that is too strong a word for music, and it is not what I feel. I used to listen to a lot of pop music as a teenager that I don't like to listen to any more - especially the ones with "electronicky" music, as they feel "noisy".
But hey, I do enjoy dancing to some new music with my 4 year old on the new songs from Beyonce, Britney, Lady Ga-Ga, Timberland, etc. on his mom's iPod connected to some computer speakers. And I don't like to these "numbers" on my main system.
Well, hate is a strong word but here's a few that don't get much play time here:

3 Dog Night
Fleetwood (Buckingham/Nicks) Mac
Bad Company
David Bowie
Grand Funk Railroad
U2 takes the cake for me on this one. I don't *hate* them, but Bono makes me cringe nowadays.