Music you HATE the most but once you LOVED it

Too young to die, too old to rock and roll.

When I was young I loved some music that, right now, I can not stand it anymore, like:

Mahavishnu Orchestra
Emerson, Lake and Palmer
Jeff Beck: "Blow by Blow" and "Wired". Curiosly, I still listen to the Jeff Beck Group.

I hear ya folks.
actually, i think chris squires bass often imparted a unique flavor of soul into a good bit of yes' music.
Don't get me wrong, YES is an awesome band, and they are members of the great Pantheon. I think what I should have said is that they tend to be hit or miss for me, with their strong songs being damn good and their weaker ones being...well, weak.
I like YES and did not mean to speak badly of their musical ability or their creativity. They are VERY good, but they tend to be hit or miss in their catalogue IMO.
Did any of you love Vanilla Fudge when they first broke on the scene? I tried to listen to their first album a while ago and couldn't believe how terrible they were! I remember thinking that they were really "heavy" back then, must have been stoned! LOL!!