At what volume do you typically listen?

I have a Mark Levinson 326S preamp which a friend and I call "The Venerable One". I realize that this is subjective, but until I get to 45 out of a total of 80, the speakers really begin to sing. This is just past 12:00 on the dial.

I was curious to know where others listen on the "dial". I haven't checked with my Radio Shack SPL meter, but what is a typical range at which people enjoy listening? THank you.
Ag insider logo xs@2xaaronmadler
I prefer as loud as I can but generally put a limit on it so as to avoid damage to my hearing. I want to be able to still enjoy listening to music when I retire in another 13 years or so.
" I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who listens at lower levels."

I'm one also. There is an art to putting a system together that sounds great a low volume. Over the years in this hobby, I've found that many amps and speakers need to be turned up to get into their sweetspot. My eardrums are thankful I have.
Hey Swanny! I have 600watts tied to 112+ dB horns. Mine goes to 12! Almost never does, but it can. :-)

Seriously, I agree with Buff, but it seems there is a consensus around 75 to 95 dB.
"consensus around 75 to 95 dB"

anything above low 80db range is most likely going to damage your hearing. 95db is way to loud for regular exposure. YOU WILL GO DEAF!!!!!