Favorite version of Grateful Dead's Aiko Aiko?

I'm looking for a great version of this song. I heard a few great ones a long time ago but don't recall when they were recorded. Anyone here have a favorite?

Now that I got the song right....
The best known version (I believe) is Professor Longhair's. I also love Zachary Richard's take. Warren Zevon used to play it live (not sure he ever recorded it) and - for something a little different - try Cindy Lauper.

I'm sure there's a zillion others out there. And, if you ever get to New Orleans on a visit, you won't be able to avoid it. Bars, restaurants, hotel lobbies, etc.

I take it this refers to Iko Iko

if so, i have heard several but nothing compares to the Dixie Cups from 65. recorded with only a chair, drumstick, Coke bottle, ashtray, and drums, produced by Leiber and Stoller.

Jock-a-Mo is obviously based off it and although I love Sugar Boy Crawford and Dr John, i think the original is a lot better
I actually meant which Dead version is good. I'll have to try these others though. I have a Dr. John version which I like.
Yes, the Dead spelled it Iko Iko.
Thanks for the tips. I can't wait to hear what you've suggested!

I always had it the other way 'round. I think (not sure tho) that Jock-a-Mo was the original Sugar Boy Crawford song and the Dixie Cups covered it using the Iko Iko title. I vaguely remember reading about a My Sweet Lord/She's So Fine style lawsuit that Sugar Boy won? Lost? Can't recall.

Either way, I agree that The Dixie Cups did a memorable version and should have included that one in my list.

Mcrosier, Jock-A Mo is the original recorded in 1953 by James "Sugarboy" Crawford. He also gets credit for writing the song along with three women. He claims he never has received a royalty payment for it. Since it was released on the Chess label that wouldn't be surprising as they had a habit of not paying royalties to their artists. The Dixie Cups version is a cover.