Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa-"Don't Explain"

Audiogoner Theo was telling me about an artist by the name of Joe Bonamassa, whom I had never heard of. While doing research on him, I ran across this new album that was just released on Tuesday.

It includes Beth Hart on vocals. Okay, now I'm saying to myself, who the hell is Beth Hart, never heard of her either. I did research on her and boy am I glad. She's terrific. I bought a couple of her past albums and am really enjoying them.

"Don't Explain" adds both talents to an absolutely fantastic album. Certainly on my top 5 list for the year catagory.

Listen to track number 7 entitled "Something's Got a Hold on Me" and just try not to "be-bop" around the dance floor.

My other favorite track is "Chocolate Jesus". The whole album is amazing.
A couple of years ago a local radio station was doing weekly "where's Joe Bonamassa?" segments. The dj would get him on the phone and get the latest on what he was up to. To be honest it was a bit cheesy and I never looked into his music as they presented him as a slash-type guitarist.
On the recommendations above I'll order a couple. Thanks.
I wrote this about Black Country Communion 2 at another site. Bonassama's da bomb!

"At 57yrs old my hard-core rockin' ways have been woken up by this record! Led Zeppelin fans should rejoice with this recording. A true modern day supergroup consisting of Glen Hughes - bass & vocals, Joe Bonassama - gtrs & vocals, Derek Sherinian keyboards, & Jason Bonham - Drums. Of course, Jason's the son of legendary Led Zep drummer John Bonham. Hughes was with Deep Purple and is in fine form both on bass and vocals. Bonassama's is this generation's reigning guitar-slinger, a throwback to the great electric guitar gods of yesteryear. Sherinian is a kybd wizard, I own 2 solo records and a few of his Planet X records. He reminds me of a Rick Wakeman/Keith Emerson mixed with a dash of Jan Hammer. It's always cool to see inherited musical talent. Julian sounded like John, Ziggy sounds like Bob, and Jason sounds like John. That massive drum sound that defines the Bonhams. The style hearkens back to the old Free/Deep Purple/Led Zeppelin type of xtremely hard yet melodic, crunch and slam mixed with what I consider the majesty of confident veteran Rock musicianship. What a slammin' record!! This is their 2nd release (hence, the #2), don't own the 1st and I understand it wasn't particularly notable. But this......!!!!
nice review chazro. for some more feral blues check out tinsley ellis "storm warnings".