What is Jazz?

As a self proclaimed expert and "aficionado", I should know the answer to that question; but I don't, because the answer is too complex.

As one example; Inna posted that he didn't like jazz, and in his next post he raved about a piece of music that I considered to be jazz. In Inna's case I understood the contradiction, he doesn't like "hard bop".

On the other hand, Rok2id's definition of jazz is so narrow that many of my jazz records and CD's, would be considered to be something other than "jazz".

What is "jazz" to you and can you define it?
I don't normally think of Wikipedia as the definitive source for info but they do have a pretty good description that echoes many of the thoughts already expressed. It also has a darn good timeline showing the evolution of Jazz over the last century.

I think you are right about the golden age of teh various genres you sight being over.

Their influences in more modern music is perhaps stronger than ever though.

I find it easier to enjoy more modern music if I forget about traditional genre stereotypes. Listen to newer music on its own terms. You'll pick up influences frequently from all the more traditional genres, even in rap, hip/hop, and a lot of more modern R&B music. Not consistently, always, but there is plenty there.

GOtta break some old molds in order to be able to get true enjoyment out of a lot of more modern music. Things change and progress, not remain stagnant within vague parameters per genre defined years ago. Keep an open mind always...

Here's an example of an older clasesic rock tune with some classical elements given a fresh spin with a lot to like:

BEPs Union

Djohnson54, "We don't need no stinkin Wikipedia", they're going all the way back to slaves dancing in Congo square in New Orleans; our jazz doesn't go back that far.

One day "Bird" picked up his horn and said, "Let there Be Bop" and While merrily blowing his horn; "Diz" heard all that hip music, so he joined in. It wasn't long before all that commotion reached "Miles" in St. Louis. He rushed to New York and he said, "I wanna blow to"; so they let him, and thus was created "Modern Jazz".

Now you won't read this in no stinkin "Wikipedia", so you'll just have to take my word for it.

Jazz is living, breathing life; sometimes it's happy, and sometimes it's sad; it's about every emotion that you have ever felt, and then some; this is not history.

Djohnson, in no way do I mean this as an offense to you or Wikipedia.
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