Youtube Music Videos.

The only place I find new music is on YouTube and I use my computer based music server to access it. I’d like ask everyone to share their favorite video cuts. The following is my current fav.
Ive discovered much, new to me music on youtube.I also enjoy some of the systems that are posted too.I really enjoy some of the older black and white videos from the great,,and not so great artist of the past. Some of the old cartoons have some great music too,they really went all out on a lot of those.
Try the latest videos from the Java Jazz Festival on Youtube. Surprisingly good sound and good camera work. There is a whole range of artists performing.

This link resonates with me. Damn, it was a great time for music!
Youtube is one of the greatest things on the internet - you can find true videos of even the most obscure things. For music, some of my favorites are:
New-to-me Nina Hagen. Some of her music is fabulous, much is awful. This was the first I saw of her, fascinating and strange:

Then there are versions of well known songs like this:

I could go on, but I'll make myself stop.