Thrift Store Vinyl Finds

I often go to Half Price Books, Savers, and sometimes Goodwill to see what vinyl I might find. Savers and Goodwill almost never have anything good, but Half Price Books has yielded a few gems. Tonight I found a copy of James Taylor's Greatest Hits in near mint condition for $2.99 and Tony Joe White's Homemade Ice Cream in good condition also for $2.99. Surprisingly good clean quiet vinyl for almost nothing. I have also found many of the Vinyl Lovers record label pressings still sealed at HPB for not much money. This label, in case you don't know, does an impeccable job with their pressings. Just about everything I have on this label is amongst the best vinyl I have ever owned. Just amazing.
What are your sweet bargain finds?
Actually, the biggest deal I ever got was in a very well known and highly regarded used cd/record store a couple of years ago. I was thumbing thru their audiophile records and I came across the long out of print Emkay Bill Berry Ellington record jacket. They kept their audiophile jackets on the shelves and the record behind the front counter by the cash register. The jacket had a $25.00 tag on it and I could not believe the low price. I figured that once I saw the record itself it would be damaged or warn out. Certainly in this store full of knowlegable workers someone would recognize the incorrectly marked price and say it was actually $125.00. Well I asked for the record and it was in mint condition! No one questioned the price! I got it for the cheap price of $25.00! That is the stand out bargain of my record collecting life.
I've never found anything at a thrift store that I would put on my TT. I guess I'm just not very thrifty!!!!
Many years ago when I lived in Japan and vinyl was dead I was at a flea market and found a Japanese pressing of Elvis Costello Get Happy! and The Jam Snap! both with obi for 100 yen each (about a buck each), both in brand new condition. I still own them.
I dumped my 20 or so albums 25 years ago. Then one day, a few years ago a new neighbor had a tag sale so I figured I'd use that as an excuse to stop by and introduce myself. We'll, I shelled out $20 and came home with 450 albums. About 1/2 were Dina Shore, Mike Douglas....... Christmas specials.... But in the 1/2 I kept were numerous promo copies - Sarah Vaughn..........

I now have about 650 albums with numerous acquisitions from Goodwill. However, wifey is not so happy. :)

My co-workers know about my audio obsessions. One day a lady brought in a bag with albums she was willing to sell for $1 each. I jumped at the mint Moody Blues - Days Future Past - 1/2 speed master from Mobile Fidelity.
Not bad for $1.

I like the challenge of finding that gem for $1.
Even if 1/2 of what I buy is not acceptable it's still a bargain.