I've been in Tokyo for several months but I have not found any place, not even the Japanese XRCD format. Everything is more expensive than the US, even for Japanese made goods. Tagging along.
Tokyo vinyl and audio suggestions
There are tons of sellers of Jazz Vinyl on Ebay located in Japan.I would spend some time making a list and sending some emails.You might connect with some private dealers and they could refer you to some retailers in the area you will be located in.Keep it simple as the language barrier is still an issue,unless you speak the native tongue. |
I spend some time in Japan and have found google to be helpful. Maybe look for an audiophile club? Use your Google Foo To get you started: http://www.twee.net/countries/japan_shops.html http://www.tokyoreporter.com/2010/10/10/on-the-record-japans-last-vinyl-factory-administers-proficiency-exam/ For Jetset click on type of music, then at the top of page click on LP http://www.jetsetrecords.net/ Also you can usehttp://www. google translate to help, just enter url http://www.jetsetrecords.net/products/rock_pops_60s_90s/rock_60s_oldies/format/lp/condition/new/sort/-recommend and... google maps, enter Jetset to see their location. https://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&q=Kyoto,+Japan&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x6001a8d6cd3cc3f1:0xc0961d366bbb1d3d,Kyoto,+Kyoto+Prefecture,+Japan&gl=us&ei=0H7FT6rsF-qa2gWU9uTwAQ&oi=local_group&ved=0CL4BELYD |