Music that everyone else loves but you just don't

Like the thread title says, there's some music that everyone else seems to love but I don't.
I don't have their albums, I switch stations if I hear it, my eyes glaze over when yet another thread starts up about how great the remaster of the remastered tapes begins...get a grip I wanna yell it's elevator muzak! :p

Who's on your list then?

Here's some of mine:

Eagles ('s a country mile to get away)
Dianna Krall
The Boss (but if he's in a backing band then that's OK(think Warren Zevon) )
All Boy Bands
All Girl Bands
The Stones...basically everything
Fleetwood Mac (everything since P.Green left)
The twenty thousand clones of Aretha Franklin
Johnny Winter
Grateful Dead
Lots and lots of Neil Young
Steely Dan all albums except CDTE
The Doors
Led Zep after Houses of the Holy

There's more but that's a start.

I think growing up listening to Grand Funk Railroad ruined me for heavy metal music....nothing compares I'm afraid to Mark, Don and Mel.


Yep, I know there's a lot of elevator muzak a lot of Mall muzak in there but ...hey that's where this stuff tends to end up or on baby boomer FM stations.

Now don't get angry, don't get cranky if your favourite music appears in someone's list...just chill and write your own. This is just a thread for people who mightn't like what everybody else likes. Some harmless fun if you like.

You could of course put an alternative to your disliked band/singer/musician in brackets. Even though I didn't, feel free to do so yourself.

Cheers :D
The local FM stations have burned me out on a plethora of good songs and artists. Now that I listen to internet radio it's not nearly as bad as it was. I can hear a song that I deplore on internet radio thrown in behind some songs and/or artists I've never heard of and I tend to like them again. Makes me feel better about the whole thing because for a while I felt like I was just getting grumpy and cantankerous.
Aerosmith. Their music is so shallow it isn't even funny. Especially their stuff from the 80's and forward. Yeah they're having a good time, but their faking it all the way.
Most Pop.
Oldies in permanent rotation.
Classic Rock in permanent rotation.
Anything KROQ plays in their rotation. It's been over a decade since they lost their touch.

I'm amazed how anyone can still listen to any of the older stuff like god himself decreed it. Where's the advancement? The progress? I've went years without resorting to listening to what I grew up which makes it enjoyable every now and then, but it's momentary at best.

New neural connections have to be made and music is the best way to do it.
Older, repetitive bile just numbs the brain. YMMV. One must expand horizons lest all they see and hear is close, immediate, bland, stale and limited.

This thread is long overdue.

All the best,
almost all popular new music including rock, alternative and especially hip hop, rap

etc etc etc

new music seems totally souless and contrived to me even very good groups like Wilco or Radiohead are lacking something

of the older stuff I agree Springsteen has very little that I like, Grateful Dead does nothing for me, U2 is borderline pitiful...

I could go on and on but why?
Great thread. I have a few of my "favorites"; I don't claim their music sucks, but I personally just don't get it at all, and don't understand why they are as popular as they are. There are also entire genres that I cannot stand such as opera, indie rock, or country-western. Then there are sounds I don't even consider music such as techno, rap, and whatever they played at Sam Goody's I walked into last week; best I can describe it, it was a combination of bad disco music from the late '70s and the type of music Ace of Base was playing, whatever it was classified as. Doubtless, it was a top selling CD. Horrifying.

Here's my list, just off the top of my head:

1. Rolling Stones - a few good songs, majority just mediocre; never understood what made "Satisfaction" a rock'n'roll anthem.
2. Bob Dylan - how can anyone stand that nasal, whiny, screeching voice is a mystery to me.
3. Steely Dan - just sounds cheesy, song after song.
4. Radiohead - tried hard to get into their music, but just can't.
5. Greatful Dead - just so bland and boring; sounds like a dive bar music. Was it just the drug use that made them so popular until today? But why?

I will also admit that I'm surprised at some of the picks in this thread (Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Fleetwood Mac are the most surprising to me), but it just confirms how subjective and personal music tastes are. That said, there is music I don't get, and there is music that just plainly and objectively sucks, and to me shows lacks of refinement in someone's tastes. Easy listening, soft jazz, new age, almost all of best-selling music today to me is not even subject to a debate; it objectively blows, and I feel bad for those who can't hear it. It's like not being able to taste the difference between great Scotch and cheap Bourbon; you can't debate it.