Why does most new music suck?

Ok I will have some exclusions to my statement. I'm not talking about classical or jazz. My comment is mostly pointed to rock and pop releases. Don't even get me started on rap.... I don't consider it music. I will admit that I'm an old foggy but come on, where are some talented new groups? I grew up with the Beatles, Who, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix etc. I sample a lot of new music and the recordings are terrible. The engineers should be fired for producing over compressed shrill garbage. The talent seems to be lost or doesn't exist. I have turned to some folk/country or blues music. It really is a sad state of affairs....Oh my god, I'm turning into my parents.
I'm not sure what the deal with "civility" is. I mean, are we to handle every utterance and statement with kid gloves?

Look, you can't throw out a sweeping and myopic generalization like "new music sucks" (which itself is an "uncivil" observation) and then expect a gentrified, socratic discussion among strangers. I don't think audiogon is the domain of sycophants. However strong a statement you start with is going to generate as equal or stronger statements in return.

With all due respect to Goose, Bryon, et al., and with the exception of a few responses involving mentions of death, etc., most of the responses have actually been pretty restrained. And my own comment that Goose's stone is gathering moss seems born out by his comment about his own musical frames of reference; e.g., the Stones, the Who, and the rest.

Seriously - the Stones, Beatles, Who, etc., started FIFTY FRICKIN' YEARS AGO. That doesn't diminish the power of their artistry or legacy in the least, but if one is pining away for the expressions of half a century ago, then one really seems to refuse to accept the inevitable change in musical paradigms and directions.

Yes, I say "accept". You don't have to like it, but you can't simply out-of-hand reject it as substandard. That shows true superficiality.

It's like saying "All rap sucks" or "All country sucks". Completely untrue. Yes, there's a lot of rap and country (and classical and jazz - I mean, how many decades back has jazz been set by smooth jazz and Kenny G?) that's pure marketing and image and stereotype and geared towards the here and now, not the far and yet unknown. But there're also a few rap and country artists who are every bit as important as Daltrey and Hendrix and Richards.
Orpheus , maybe you should look at your own reflection.
Life doesn't suck. Your attitude does.
Sure there pain, war, disease , evil. (things that suck)
But so too is there beauty and love everywhere if you are open to experiencing it.
I love life!!, because I choose to. I discover fantastic new music because I take the time to explore it.
I look forward to the future and embrace life everyday.
Nice post Simao!

Generally, the higher ones standards, the more most things suck.

Therefore, one must conclude that in the world of audiophiles, most things musical are sub par and hence suck.

The solution is selective moderation. Have high standards but be able to lower them when needed to gain a better appreciation of all things and to be able to better relate to the world as a whole.

If you love music and cannot do this effectively when listening to music that might be different or not meet your expectations going in, then I would suppose that one should be in fear of being intolerant. After all its just music. Bad music really hurts noone and some will think it is good.

An open mind and tolerance are good things to strive for. Not always easy...

Todd, maybe if you loaned me your rose colored glasses I would see what you see, but that wouldn't be "reality", and I prefer to see it like it is.
I find myself unable to respond knowledgeably to the OP's question, as I have little familiarity with recent popular music. Why? Because every time I encounter any of it on my car radio it sucks, and I promptly change the station. :-)

I'm sure that there are a goodly number of diamonds in the rough, but I find that there is more than enough good music of other kinds and other eras to listen to that I have no interest in looking for them.

-- Al