Why does most new music suck?

Ok I will have some exclusions to my statement. I'm not talking about classical or jazz. My comment is mostly pointed to rock and pop releases. Don't even get me started on rap.... I don't consider it music. I will admit that I'm an old foggy but come on, where are some talented new groups? I grew up with the Beatles, Who, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix etc. I sample a lot of new music and the recordings are terrible. The engineers should be fired for producing over compressed shrill garbage. The talent seems to be lost or doesn't exist. I have turned to some folk/country or blues music. It really is a sad state of affairs....Oh my god, I'm turning into my parents.
" It certainly has a catchy beat (which would probably tempt me to leave it on if I heard it while driving), and yes, she's a nice looking young woman. On the other hand, her voice strikes me as mediocre at best, the "plot" of the video is not to my liking, and the sonics don't do justice to the sax (even allowing for the fact that it's a video on YouTube)."

So its a mixed bag for Al with some good points. My assessment is not too far off. I like the fact that its a pop dance song and the song and main riff is saxophone based, so I like the sax part.

So musically, my conclusion is it has some good points so does not suck.

Then there is the video (which I had not seen prior to today), which is not the music, and not really relevant for assessing the music alone. I link to videos mainly because youtube videos is probably the place to go these days when one wants to reference music for free these days, among all the other things. Music videos there are the modern equivalent of watching MTV in the past I suppose.

I think the video is well done, and no doubt the singer is attractive. That's good for videos and entertainment careers overall but not relevant to the music itself. Other than that, I could take it or leave it.
That song is used in several recent Les Mills syndicated workout classes. The gym I go to uses these. That's where I heard it. It works great there, it struck me as somewhat unique on first listen, and grew on me more over time, so I downloaded the single from amazon and borrowed the CD from the local library when I saw it there.

So one thing I think I learned from this is that teh context in which a song is heard makes a lot of difference in regards to whether one thinks particular music sucks or not. It sounds a lot better to me having experienced it initially in the gym I think. I enjoy it at home as well, but I would normally not be as inclined to take a liking to a tune like this just sitting at home and listening.
Not to pat ourselves on the back but can it be that our audiophile tendencies in the pursuit of better music reproduction dovetails with better music appreciation?

With the lower quality sources and playback devices we are bombarded with, is it really any wonder why we are less tolerant? This reminds me of the commercial where two cars are stopped at an intersection and one them has what appears to be two thugs blasting their music. The man in the other car says something like he can't take it anymore and with his wife saying "Don't", gets out of his car and gets in with the thugs only to adjust the equalizer on their stereo, explaining how and why he's doing it, with the thugs nodding in approval.

I wouldn't recommend doing it but the Walter Mitty in me smiled.

All the best,
An illogical obsession with stereo gear, has absolutely no connection with, and is no indication of, music appreciation.

What constitutes an illogical obsession?
Is that in the DSM on psychological disorders?

Absolutely no connection nor indication of music appreciation?
Again, I'l like to see the data.

Do you see anyone here as having an illogical obsession with stereo gear and not appreciate music?
Please cite the post(s).

You posit too many extremes and take a giant leap in logic to arrive at, what?
An exercise in trolling?

All the best,