Almarg wrote:
"06-06-13: Almarg
06-06-13: Bryoncunningham
There is a whole continuum of behavior in between hostility and sycophancy. Somewhere in the middle is civility.
Very well said, as usual Bryon. I couldn't agree more.
It has often seemed to me, in fact, that when discussions in internet forums become uncivil, it is often because the parties who are at odds with one another do not seem to recognize that shades of gray, matters of degree, and a continuum between extremes are involved in most issues."
Please. Is that really the case here? In these two pages of responses to Goose's original post, are there really that many people who are unaware of the 50 and more shades of gray inherent in this conversation?
I'm going top reiterate my main point - that despite Bryon's lamenting of its supposed degeneration, this thread has, for the most part, remained civil and productive. There're always be a few ankle-biters amidst the crowd, but you have to ignore them.