Different dynamic way back when. Music was full of politics; industrial revolution in fruition, birth of rock n' roll, beatniks, long hair, hippie movement. It was 1963 when I saw two guys walking down our street with hair way down past their shoulders(serious pioneers). The 'Beatle' hair cut and boots were in vogue. As they walked by, my father commented "Look at those degenerate apes. From behind you can't tell if they're women or men". His tone was literally murderous. His ignorance was the catalyst for his hatred of the new music. He was 38. To a kid, definitely an old codger. Once his and even older generations got used to the hair, there was lots of toe-tapping and humming then current music going on. It took about 5-6 years. Maybe not hard-rock but there was lots going on besides that. 'Yesterday' became my dad's fav in 1967. Longer hair covering the ears became fashionable for older men, 'Beatlemania' having taken root to the farthest reaches of society. So kids and old codgers always agreed on which music is good and which sucks whether they admitted it or not.