Rja, mediocrity is the norm for everything, not just music. Interesting enough we always generalize on the 5% exception and compare to the norm of the here and now as we perceive it. A normal tendency I suppose. And when you add in the context of the discussion, mostly middle age gentleman speaking of the current state of the music art that they don't, for the most part explore, the opinions are generally predictable. I'm no critic of the here and now music and my bet is that many of the critics on this thread don't explore it in enough quantity or detail to really offer anything more than an anecdotal opinion based on their general taste than serious listining and critique, lets be honest here. Where are "All the Young Dudes"? come on Dudes, stand up and be counted!
I did check out Ben Howard, now there you go as an example of something that I would deem above mediocrity. Seems like there are plenty of others that listen to this guy as well.