Worst Name for A Piece of Equipment

There is a CD player with a good reputation that goes by the name fog. I don't think any audiophile would want a CD player to sound foggy. What other names do you know which are a contradiction in terms or are simply unpleasant sounding.
Edge amplifiers, who wants an edgy sounding amp? (I know they don't actually sound that way)
Phonomena phone stage, not necessarily a bad name but the dealer nick named it, the phono enema. (I own one)
I also agree all the Manley names like Shrimp, Mahi Mahi, etc. are really bad. (I do like Stingray)
Rhljazz, the phono enema is a perfect nickname for it. After all, it appeals mostly to anal-og-philes! :)
Has anyone mentioned 'Von Gaylord'? Or was that just a joke someone played on me?